Name: Pavan Kumar Dasari
Profile: Software Developer
Phone: 9700024911
Spring Boot Microservices 75%About me
Around 3 + years of experience in analysis, design, development and implementation of various Adaptive forms using Adobe Experience manager forms, AEM sites, AEM workflows, XML, JSON Scheme, JavaScript, Java spring boot Microservices, AWS Beanstalk, AWS RDS, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Jenkins, SonarQube, Maven, Zipkin server and other tools.
Interested in Web Dev, DevOps, Cloud, Automation, Pipelines.
Ready to collab with like-minded and Interested people on the above techs.
Looking for Remote opportunities as well.
Techs 😎
Tech that I work on...
Web Development
Web Development with Html5 and css3 with boostrap and react/angular and Backend with Java SpringBoot Microservices or Flask
Complete E2E CI CD with Jenkins automation or Circle CI or Argo CD with GitHub Actions Containerization with docker and deployment in Kubernetes cluster
Search Engine Optimization
Complete SEO which includs strong robots.txt, sitemap, keywords and special Javascript for more visiblity sitemap with video url description and etc
Microservices Development
Complete Microservices development with DataBase connections all the http methods and with spring security, swagger documentation, docker image builds and etc
Adobe Experience manager Forms development
Development of AEM Adaptive forms which are dynamic, Mostly all HDFC banks forms are developed By AEM, Json schema development, Creating CTA with post the data to DB and prefill the data from DB, AEM Workflows and etc.
I work on Ubunutu 22.04 latest and I am big fan of Destros and my Favorite one is bodhi linux 😄 loved with animations and somth UI, Debugging conflicts like apt's and resolve config, net plan, systemctl services and etc.
Projects that i worked on.. 👁